This script can be used as an template to query Oracle Database using the Sid, Port, Oracle DB username and Password. You can customize the SQL Query which I used in this script. This script basically checks the completion of RMAN backup activity done by Database Administrators.
Oracle SID
Port Number
Oracle username & Password
use DBI;
my $oracle_sid = 'emcprod';
my $oracle_port = '1530';
my $oracle_user = 'oracleuser';
my $oracle_password = 'XXXXXXX';
my $bkptime;
my $bkpstatus;
my $yesterday = `date --date='1 day ago' +%d-%m-%Y`;
sub RmanDBStatusCheck($$);
# Create a temporary log file to log and track all the changes
$logFile = GetTime(1)."\_"."$userName"."\.log";
print "Logging all output to $logFile\n";
# Open the log file
open(LOGFILE,">$logFile") || die (print "Cannot create logfile $logFile \n");
Log ("Running verion $version of $program",0,LOGFILE);
sub RmanDBStatusCheck($$)
my $hostname=$_[0];
my $outputDestination=$_[1];
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=$hostname;port=$oracle_port;sid=$oracle_sid", $oracle_user, $oracle_password)
or die "Unable to initialize DB connection : " . DBI->errstr;
my $sql_query="select to_char(END_TIME , 'dd-mon-yyyy@hh24:mi:ss') "Date and Time",status from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS where start_time > (sysdate);";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or die "Couldnot query Oracle Database" . $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldnot execute query on Oracle Database" . $sth->errstr;
while ( my @column = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
$bkpday = $column[0];
$bkpstatus = $column[1];
print "Printing Arrage/DB Value=@column\n";
if(($bkpday eq "$yesterday") && ($bkpstatus eq 'COMPLETED'))
Log("RMAN DBA activity completed",0,$outputDestination);
elsif (($bkpday eq "$yesterday") && ($bkpstatus eq 'FAILED'))
Log("RMAN DBA activity failed",0,$outputDestination);
Log("RMAN DBA activity is still in progress",0,$outputDestination);
sub Log($$$)
my $text = $_[0];
my $exitStatus = $_[1];
my $outputDestination = $_[2];
my $time = GetTime(0);
if ($exitStatus == 1)
my $time = GetTime(0);
print "[$time] - $text\n";
print "[$time] - Exiting..!\n";
print $outputDestination "[$time] - $text\n";
print "[$time] - $text\n";
sub GetTime($)
# Get the locatime
my ($Second, $Minute, $Hour, $Day, $Month, $Year) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5];
# Add padding as required
$Year = $Year+1900;
$Month = $Month+1;
# Format into a nice string
my $Time = "$Month-$Day-$Year $Hour:$Minute:$Second";
# Spit it out
if ($_[0] == 1)
$Time = "$Month-$Day-$Year\_$Hour\_$Minute\_$Second";
return $Time;
return $Time;
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